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Monday, June 16, 2008

Review of xxxHolic: Kei

It's so wonderful that such a great Anime like xxxHolic got a second season. I've been anxious to write this post for a while now... so please enjoy. ^^

So far I have only watched 5 episodes and I've loved every minute of it. I must say thank you CLAMP for making such a great Anime series. I absolutely love the characters, especially Yuko. If someone has never seen xxxHolic, stop reading and go to your local Anime dealer (whether it be online or a store) get xxxHolic and watch it! And for those who have seen it, leave your comments about what you love the most about it.... or whether you hate it. It's okay if you do hate it, I won't do anything. Everyone does have an opinion you know. ~_^ I love the fact that xxxHolic and Tsubasa have small parts of everything CLAMP from characters from X/1999 even. Okay okay okay... I need to get focused and actually review xxxHolic: Kei.

There isn't much of a difference between xxxHolic and xxxHolic:Kei, infact the only thing that seems to have changed was the plot of it and the opening and closing. The characters are all the same and everything. Yuko is of course still an alcoholic and still granting wishes. And Mokona is still cute as ever!

Overall Rating 6 out of 5


NomadicWriter said...

I havent watched this yet because i decided to read the manga first lol, I'm slowly getting through it, trying to get to the latest chapter before watching lol.
Have you seen Tsubasa Chronicles? I watched it when it first came out, and I only found out recently that these two intersected with each other, with the same things happening but on the different worlds with different perspectives lol. So I'm reading xxholic but trying to read Tsubasa manga as well so i find out what they havent put in the anime and to find out more lol.
great review! sorry i rambled lol ^_^

Katie said...

Tsubasa was my first manga ever reading, so natrually I love it. However, I watched the first four episodes (via netflix) and strongly disliked them. xxx holic was another early manga for me; since it tied into Tsubasa, I thought I would like it. Although I found it to be not as good as Tsubasa, I still liked it. I am wary about seeing xxx holic because i am worried that it will be as bad as Tsubasa's anime was. But if you like it, I guess I might as well rent it.

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