Well it's been forever since I posted something new at all so yeah. I got a crap load of new things that I need to take pictures of but mainly I got another Anime Review for everyone!

(Completed the Series)
Okay so where to start. Well when I first heard about it, I was like "blah it's not going to be that good it's just rollerblading" and in an Otaku opinion (which I feel most could agree on) Anime's based on sports turn out to be rather stupid. (-coughPrinceofTenniscough-) So yeah, I started off reading the Manga, due to a friend in school, and was like eh. Didn't get to finish it and so bought volume one. Now this is were they hook ya. They make it seem all perverted in the beginning drawing in the guys and BAM! nothing like that anymore except for abit of panties. So I was like "this is okay" at the end of the first volume. So guess what... here comes volume two. I was all like "this is cool, what next" BAM! This is where the Anime comes into and my review of Air Gear.
Everything starts out rather slow and it gets to the point where you just want some action already. And without you realizing you falling in love with the Pink-Haired skater chick and being drawn in. So a few battles go by and it's the same thing over and over. That when you start realizing the character developing. It's really awesome from there. You get pumped up for the next battle and of course the main character always wins cause you know there are still 5 more episodes. And the end will really get you. I almost broke down into tears for the end. (I'm not going to ruin it) But from here on out, you start to love your friends just a bit more after watching this Anime.
Would I suggest everyone should watch it? Yes! It is so good to the very end.

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