No this is not a photoshop gag it is an actual street. And I was there to see it.

And here is what is down Random Street.... nothing!
I finished watching the Anime just this weekend I got rather confused because my friend gave me up to episode 12 and I finished watching that episode it had the preview for the next one. I was like O_O because at this point I figured there was more or that I'm missing the last episode. After searching far and wide on the Wire* I found out there was ONE MORE EPISODE. Of course I cried on the inside for a good hour and then decided to find that last episode. And that last episode was well worth the night of searching. Here is my review of:

(Completed the Series)
At first I wasn't too sure what the series was about as I went through the opening and saw less and less clothes on the girls. And through the opening credits hearing "I'm your slave" I was wondering what I stumbled upon. After watching a few episodes I soon realized this was border lining a soft core porn. So I kept watching. ^_~ The story was rather heart felt and reminded me quite abit of Chobits. It's very short yet very good. It seems like a very female like Anime but if your a guy I'm sure you would enjoy the nearly nakedness the Anime has.
The down falls of it would be the similarities it had with Chobits. If you like Chobits you'll like this Anime. Very cute girl is found naked with no knowledge of anything, ends up staying a guy's house that lives alone, and the whole plot is to be together.

Author Note: *Wire stand for the Internet in the term of Serial Experiments Lain
So I got my money for the Artwork I sold, yesterday and I was thinking I want some new Manga. (-cough let alone I was jealous of OtakuDan and his constant buying cough-) Thus I drove down to Gulf Coast Town Center... 1 almost car crash, 1 nearly killed pedestrian, and 1 turn around at a 3 way do not enter area later, I got to Borders and stood for about an hour staring at heaven's doors. ^^ And in the long run this is what I decided to buy:
DearS Vol 1
DearS Vol 2
DearS Vol 3
DearS Vol 4

This is about the first time that the blog has been up that we actually had Anime Club. So yeah. I showed the first two episodes of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. As well as having a Ramen party. Only 1 person showed up from the club but of course we had random sectators. It wasn't all that bad.
I'm currently in the middle of the series of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and here is my review:
[Episode 8 / 14]
So far I only have one thing to say "I hate Haruhi Suzumiya!" She is so annoying and when she getting older I could see her as a dominatrix queen. I'm watching the series in the right order and not the chronological order so that I'm not confused. It's good just not great. The plot is really easy to get a hold of the rest of figuring it all out is what's hard. I really hate to see what Haruhi does next. I wish that Yuki would have more of a part in it, maybe later I'm not quite done. But I leave you with a really cute dance that I wish to learn sometime.

[Came in on April 15, 2008]

I'm rather surprised about my new tablet, it was only $99 and that was with no cost for ground shipping. I created my first real piece of work with it for OtakuDan. ^_^ I created his wonderful logo. You should check out his link in my right side bar. Hint hint nudge nudge... I got it from wacom online directly. I would suggest that even if you can't draw to buy one and just play with it.
I have to thank mommy-dearest for this wonderful gift.
She bought me this bookcase just the other day and it fits my Anime collection perfectly! The whole top shelf and half of the second is all Dvds. From the rest down is all my manga. I had to clean for 5 hours to get the bookcase into my room so I'll be taking pictures of my uber clean room when I get batteries for my camera.
Well it's been forever since I posted something new at all so yeah. I got a crap load of new things that I need to take pictures of but mainly I got another Anime Review for everyone!
(Completed the Series)
Okay so where to start. Well when I first heard about it, I was like "blah it's not going to be that good it's just rollerblading" and in an Otaku opinion (which I feel most could agree on) Anime's based on sports turn out to be rather stupid. (-coughPrinceofTenniscough-) So yeah, I started off reading the Manga, due to a friend in school, and was like eh. Didn't get to finish it and so bought volume one. Now this is were they hook ya. They make it seem all perverted in the beginning drawing in the guys and BAM! nothing like that anymore except for abit of panties. So I was like "this is okay" at the end of the first volume. So guess what... here comes volume two. I was all like "this is cool, what next" BAM! This is where the Anime comes into and my review of Air Gear.
Everything starts out rather slow and it gets to the point where you just want some action already. And without you realizing you falling in love with the Pink-Haired skater chick and being drawn in. So a few battles go by and it's the same thing over and over. That when you start realizing the character developing. It's really awesome from there. You get pumped up for the next battle and of course the main character always wins cause you know there are still 5 more episodes. And the end will really get you. I almost broke down into tears for the end. (I'm not going to ruin it) But from here on out, you start to love your friends just a bit more after watching this Anime.
Would I suggest everyone should watch it? Yes! It is so good to the very end.